Creature of Earth


Creature of Earth #05/49 (Under construction -Pre-order - 6400$cnd)

Carved body by Charlie Sivell (Nelson, BC)
Two piece Mahogany Body and Flamed Maple / Mahogany Neck Thru
Double Carbon Rods Neck Stabilizers
4/2 Headstock
Individual Bridge Saddles, string thru and Graphite Nut
Integrated Strap Lock Guitar Straps

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Creature of Earth #05/49 (Under construction -Pre-order - 6400$cnd)

Carved body by Charlie Sivell (Nelson, BC)
Two piece Mahogany Body and Flamed Maple / Mahogany Neck Thru
Double Carbon Rods Neck Stabilizers
4/2 Headstock
Individual Bridge Saddles, string thru and Graphite Nut
Integrated Strap Lock Guitar Straps

Creature of Earth #05/49 (Under construction -Pre-order - 6400$cnd)

Carved body by Charlie Sivell (Nelson, BC)
Two piece Mahogany Body and Flamed Maple / Mahogany Neck Thru
Double Carbon Rods Neck Stabilizers
4/2 Headstock
Individual Bridge Saddles, string thru and Graphite Nut
Integrated Strap Lock Guitar Straps