the Woodworker

Custom Built with Precision, Purpose, and Passion.
From Heritage Buildings to State of the Art Venues.
From Concrete Forms to Finishing Trims.

Step 1: Consultation & Vision:

With experience on Worksites as Supervisor, Builder, Sub-Contractor and First Aid, I can offer a great wide lens to achieve your goals.
First we will establish :
- Your Budget
- Your Timeline
- Your Vision

This order is crucial as any Project is a balance of compromises.
1. Depending on your budget, the choice of materials will drastically vary, so is the labor or talent hired.
2. Although I offer Rush work (for a Fee), your Timeline will determine the intensity of work, or number of staff required.
3. Finally your Vision: How fancy, how original ? Have a model, a plan ? Or just an inspiration..?? This will determine design and planning time.

Step 2: Design & Customization:

Of course ‘Gurvan Custom’ wants first and foremost to offer a personalized service and product that fits your needs and tastes.
I learned to “Finish before we Start” in Engineering, and my skills in Technical Drafting and quick sketching can help us communicate your vision clearly into reality.
Collaborating on the Design process will determine:
- Your final budget and real timeline.
- The materials used, the look & feel, the durability, the efficiency.
- The need for permit, labor or manufacturing.

The Customization can be involved into the project, or as an add-on.
Different choices can quickly turn a custom esthetics choice into an engineering challenge.
Finding and help you make those compromises is where I strive when it comes to building with wood.

Step 3: Construction:

Whether your project requires me to be on site, pre-build in shop, be remote over Zoom or in Person to Install, we can find Solutions.

Within the initial plan, we will have agreed on different phases of the Build, usually:
Phase 1: Basic Shell (Waterproof Structure)
Phase 2: Complete Interior (Fully functional space)
Phase 3: Final Touch (All details, trims in&out done)

Depending on your situation and project of course those will be adapted.
This is a safety net for everyone that offers clear objectives and time frames.
It help spreading the costs but also helps organize the work site, materials, trades and deliveries.

Although I love Log and Timber framing, most projects due to cost or function lead us to the most affordable options and Recycle or Upcycle whenever possible.
Very interested into building geodesic domes and zomes in the future but also Earthships as well as 3D printed modular house…

During the Construction you will have regular photo and video updates.
If agreed, some of them might get Live Streamed or Posted on my YouTube Channel: @Gurvan Makes

Step 4: Final Touches & Handover:

Once all the Phases agreed upon were successful, all payments made.
We can sign on, of shake hands on the final product, hopefully with a big smile on your face!

I am proud of my Work and want to stand behind it, so if there are any complaints, I will gladly hear them and find a solution.

Remember that Wood can be capricious, needing care, oiling and sometimes years of proper air drying.
Working with a lot of recycled and old wood, be aware of the different grades of wood I offer.


Want to collaborate, build a tiny or cabin, get a rough quote.. ? I’ve made a questionnaire to fill up right Here.

“People respect what you inspect.”


Liked the visit so far? Wanna support in a small way? You can offer me a coffee here: Scan the QR Code below!
Merci! Cheers