revelstoke Review

Timothy Van der Krogt

Traveling Tree visits Revelstoke to celebrate francophone culture.

L’arbre Ambulant or The Traveling Tree is on display in the Revelstoke library. The West Kootenays Francophone Association (AFKO) are touring the tree to celebrate French culture in the Kootenays.
Students from across the region, were asked what object connects them to the French language, answers where inscribed on leaves and displayed on the six-foot-tall tree.
There where over 175 respondents mostly students from French immersion schools in the region including École des Glaciers in Revelstoke. Other participants hailed from as far as Switzerland, Indonesia and France.
“I chose maple syrup, because it’s the people from Québec who make it, I think it is made in Quebec,” wrote Cassidy Kirwin of Revelstoke.
Veronique Trudel of Nelson wrote, “The pen represents my francophone. I write songs, I do it in French, my mother tongue.”
The tree was designed by Slocan Valley artist Jeremie Gurvan and manufactured by students of Selkirk College in Trail. It will be on display at the Revelstoke library until July 22.

Humans of Nelson

Photographer Ryan Oakley

Photographers take their best shot at Abbotsford Airshow.

Back when I had my studio downtown Nelson, BC, only two doors down from the iconic Oso Negro Cafe, I occasionally sat in the window to play my guitar, next to Dan’s Glass blowing workbench, surrounded by some of my other creations, a great window to display my Art. I saw Ryan walked by that day, did not know about his project at the time and he snapped this picture of me in OurGlass Window with my Creature of Fire.

Alder grove star

Black Press Media

Photographers take their best shot at Abbotsford Airshow.

In the past month, hundreds of photographers have submitted their works into the 2013 Amateur Photographer of the Year Contest.
The contest, sponsored by London Drugs, Black Press and the Abbotsford International Airshow received almost 2,000 individual entries from around the province. A judging panel has narrowed the field down to finalists from Vernon to Vancouver.
"This is the first time we have coordinated such a large photographic promotion and we are delighted with the incredible response," said Andrew Franklin, publisher of The Abbotsford News.
The amateur photographers were tasked to submit a total of 10 photographs during the three-day show.
[…] Jeremie Gurvan, one of the 73 finalists in the amateur photographer of the year contest tried to capture the perfect image at the annual event. Here some Photos by Gurvan:


Jérémie Gurvan Legrain

It’s pretty young that I became an avid tinkerer.
With the inspiration of my grandfathers, the help of my dad and his tools and the unbelievable Craftsmen we met while growing up in Africa, whom created so much with so little.
I’ve been using my keen eye for visual arts in photojournalism, blueprints, product design, merchandising, editorials, video, live lighting shows, projection mapping and a growing number of new ways to perfect it.
As for my handy hands, they’ve been working early on, since I’m about 9, first by making my own skateboard ramps and rails, bmx handlebar, pc tower, homemade video projector, renovate homes and in 2004 build my first electric guitar.
In 2005 I made the Creature guitar, a complete custom guitar I designed and built with an amazing sound and innovations.

SBC Business

Portrait of Jon Lea, owner of ONE Boardshop, standing in front of his newly opened Kelowna store.

Portrait of Jon Lea, owner of ONE Boardshop, in SBC Business Magazine

Le TAZ Skatepark

Jérémie Gurvan Legrain

From building the skatepark itself with its Carpentry skills and concrete forming for the Project 41, Gurvan was part of the first 4 years of the new legendary TAZ Skatepark.
Involved right away in documenting the construction through photos and videos, Gurvan created our visuals, official photography and occasional new features for special events.

You can not only see Gurvan’s work in the skatepark and website but also in the lobby with its two year long photo exhibit with an ever growing mosaique on the staircase and some of his best shots printed on Stainless Steel on the long entrance grey bricks wall.

Portrait of Dan Vezina, Designer of Le TAZ Skatepark and many XGames courses. Photos: Gurvan

Le TAZ skatepark

In several Montreal Medias
Voir, Ici, Exclaim!, L’Express…

Photography and Graphic Design for many advertisement campaigns for Le TAZ Montreal.

Diabell Mag

Self Published in 2008

Photography, Editing… 100% Self Published Magazine.

Back in 2008 after attempting to work for local medias, I got an idea… What if, for a portfolio, I would not just showcase that I’m a great action photographer by showcasing just prints, but instead display also my graphic design and editing skills by building, writing and even stapling every single 40 pieces ever printed of this one of a kind 28 pages Diabell Magazine.