How I Created the Video Mapping at Bloom Nightclub in Nelson, BC

Some Video Mapping I created for Bloom Nightclub in Nelson, BC. Powered by a beast with 32Gb of Ram, Running Resolume Arena 5 to power 8 video projectors on two walls of the club.
I used to work at Bloom where I first was finishing the woodwork in there. When the lights were installed and all fixtures all over the place, color wise and not programed yet, I sneaked behind the light console and tried to figure it out.
With my background as photo journalist and visual eye, I wanted to create moods and few colors, 3 to 5 at most to make a good scheme.
So I started making "cave", "fire", "water", "forest" and "royal" (purple & gold), and also grouped the living wall separately to give it its own color scheme of 3-5 colors (greens and yellows)... after a good hour or so, Jimmy, the owner of the club, Bloom Nightclub, the whole building, the Savoy Hotel and the Music Festival Shambhala, walks in the club and sees his club for the first time lit up properly, thoughtfully... I explain to him what I just did and shows him the schemes and explains the potential for the rest to fuse with the effects, motions and moods that the moving lights, led ceiling and video projectors will add.
Clearly stoked, he hired me on the spot to be Bloom's official Light Tech, then Video Map the walls, became the VJ Visual Tech. and got trained on Audio which I had some experience in back in France... and handed up running major acts, djs and bands live as all of those roles, sometimes all at once on small night and sometimes as dedicated, full on light show which I loved especially for live acts!
Anyway that's my story of how I managed to work at Bloom, a unique top of the line Nightclub strong of the Shambhala Music Festival Team and experiences as North America's Best Music Festival in 2019.
Despite their 23 years strong of working with the best in the industry, to have been hired and given this opportunity to apply my creativity there was an honor!

#lightjockey #light #tech #vj #resolume #resolumearena #videomap #videomapping #projection


Video Mapping Bloom Nightclub for Halloween | VJ Resolume Arena


How I Used my Light Jockey Work Station at Bloom Nightclub in Nelson, BC